Night Orienteering


Prompt Write a ummer camp evening program for campers aged going into grades 8 and 9 thats fun and creative but not about creativity thats kinda challanging

Breakdown ðŸ”—

8:00pm - Supply Check and Briefing: Campers will gather in a designated area where the counselors will check that everyone has the necessary supplies: a map, compass, a flashlight, a notebook, a pencil and a whistle. They will also provide a brief on the rules, safety precautions, and map and compass usage.

8:30pm - Night Orienteering: After the supply check and briefing, the campers will be divided into teams of 4-5. Each team will be given a set of coordinates that correspond to different checkpoints around the campground. The teams will have to navigate using the map and compass to find the checkpoints.

Checkpoint 1: Shelter Building (20 minutes) ðŸ”—

  • The teams will find a suitable location to build a shelter using natural materials such as branches, leaves, and moss.
  • They will have to build a shelter that can accommodate all team members and provide protection from the elements.
  • The teams will have to record the materials used in the notebook and the time it took to complete the task.

Checkpoint 2: Fire Making (15 minutes) ðŸ”—

  • The teams will have to find a suitable location to make a fire using different methods such as flint and steel, bow drill, or fire plow.
  • They will have to make a fire that is big enough to boil water.
  • The teams will have to record the method used in the notebook and the time it took to complete the task.

Checkpoint 3: Orienteering (30 minutes) ðŸ”—

  • The teams will have to navigate using the map and compass to reach a specific location.
  • They will have to record the time it took to reach the location in the notebook.

Checkpoint 4: Animal Tracks and Sign (30 minutes) ðŸ”—

  • The teams will have to identify and record different animal tracks or signs such as scat, feathers, or gnawed branches.
  • They will have to list the animals they think made the tracks or signs in the notebook.

Checkpoint 5: Distress Signal (15 minutes) ðŸ”—

  • The teams will have to find a suitable location to make a distress signal using natural materials such as rocks, sticks or leaves.
  • They will have to record the materials used and the time it took to complete the task.

9:30pm - Return and Debrief: Once all teams have completed the course, they will return to the starting point where the counselors will debrief the activity and check the notebook for correct answers. The team with the most correct answers and the shortest time wins a prize.

Gear List ðŸ”—

Here is a possible gear list for the night orienteering activity:

Campers should bring: ðŸ”—

  • Suitable clothing and footwear for hiking and being outside in the evening
  • Any other personal items such as a phone, camera, or snacks
  • Flashlight
  • Small backpack to carry any essentials
  • Water bottles (2L per person)
  • Personal hygiene items (toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, etc.)
  • Water shoes or sandals

The camp should provide: ðŸ”—

  • Maps and compasses
  • Notebooks and pencils/pens
  • Whistles
  • First aid kit, including mosquito repellent, tick remover, and water purification tablets
  • Epinephrine auto-injector (for individuals who are known to have severe allergic reactions)
  • Any other necessary equipment or supplies based on the specific location and potential hazards.
  • Tent and sleeping bag or mattress (if camping overnight)
  • Group first-aid kit
  • Emergency communication devices
  • Emergency contact information

First Aid Kit inventory ðŸ”—

  • Adhesive bandages (various sizes) - 20
  • Antiseptic wipes - 10
  • Tweezers - 1
  • Scissors - 1
  • Safety pins - 10
  • Cotton balls - 20
  • Elastic bandage - 1
  • Disposable instant cold packs - 2
  • Disposable gloves - 10
  • Roll of gauze - 1
  • Tape - 1
  • Pain relievers (such as ibuprofen or acetaminophen) - 20
  • Antihistamine (such as diphenhydramine) - 10
  • A epinephrine auto-injector (for individuals who are known to have severe allergic reactions) - 1
  • Mosquito repellent - 1